Norton of Morton

Read a new instalment of Norton of Morton every Saturday at 4 o'clock

Saturday 28 June 2014

Strutting summery stuff

In which G.M. Norton is proud to be recognised as a Very Impractical Person.

A little while ago, your favourite protagonist was a V.I.P. guest to a summer vintage fashion show. 
Organised by the Vintage Collective, made up of Paula off of Mint Vintage and Gabby of Vintage Belle fame, it was held in a lovely conservation area in Salford, at a marvellous place called the Creation Café.
The Creation Cafe by the leaning tower of Salford
If you reside in the North of England and follow vintage, you’ll have probably crossed paths with Paula and Gabby who spend countless weekends at various fair and markets. In fact, Paula runs fairs herself at the Kings Arms public house and the fabulous gin saloon, The Whim Wham Café.

Anyway, I digress.

So, aware that V.I.P. stands for Very Impractical Person and tickled pink that I’m now being recognised as such, my beloved and I toddled over to the fashion show. I should mention, that is after we had gorged on enormous steaks and lubricated the tonsils with one or two alcoholic beverages.

On arrival, we were offered free rum-based cocktails and welcomed like long-lost friends by Tea With Audrey. We also met the lovely pair of Charlie, who pens Gin Fuelled Bluestocking and Cheryl who writes The Alternative Student Guide Manchester.
Taking in my surroundings, I soon found myself standing at a record stall, enjoying a chinwag with a super chap called Liam who was manning said music area.
Before long, it was time to take our seats and enjoy watching a bevy of ladies (and a couple of gents) strut their stuff down the catwalk.
I had a thoroughly marvellous time appreciating the different looks that the various vintage vendors had managed to put together for their models. Traders on the night working hard to perfect different looks included Thrift Junkie, Black Rose Vintage, Vintage Belle and Mint Vintage.
After all the models had finished parading their wares, the audience were invited to carry on quaffing cocktails, eating canapés and to rifle through the clothing rails. 
All the clothes worn during the fashion show were available to purchase so if you found yourself enormously taken by an item of clothing, it could be yours at the end of the night.
Although the two male models were both jolly good sports, the outfits were not to my personal taste. However, I was delighted to be collared by the lady running Thrift Junkie who thrust two waistcoats on my person. After trying them on and being mightily impressed, I quickly handed over a couple of crisp banknotes in exchange for the aforementioned clothing items.

My beloved and I really enjoyed the evening but before long, it was time to return home, armed with a couple of new pieces for my gentlemanly wardrobe. Splendid! I plan to share these with you soon.

G.M. Norton
Protagonist of ‘Norton of Morton’



  1. Looks like a fun event! I've just been to a fashion show too, but a non-vintage one so quite a different affair! x

    1. I never imagined I would ever attend a fashion show, I must admit. I do hope you had fun at the one you toddled over to, dear lady! I think a vintage fashion show really is a tip-top concept.


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