Norton of Morton

Read a new instalment of Norton of Morton every Saturday at 4 o'clock

Saturday 22 April 2017

It's a corker!

In which G.M. Norton rejoices at reaching double figures.

Well chumrades, Spring has now sprung with daffodils standing as flowery proof. As we’re now in a new season, it means that a new edition of In Retrospect magazine is available for your reading pleasure.
We’re now on issue 10 which feels like quite an achievement to move into double figures.

As Editor-at-Large, I’m not entirely impartial but I do genuinely mean it when I bash the following words onto my fancified electronic typewriter – the latest issue of In Retrospect is an absolute corker! 

If you don’t believe the word of an aspiring gentleman (and if you don’t, you should ignore those spurious rumours), then do meander over to the magazine’s webular site and cast your eye over a few preview articles. If those carefully crafted articles aren’t enough to tempt you into subscribing forthwith then I will eat my straw boater.

Now, you may be surprised to learn that my favourite part of the magazine is not the opinion piece that I write. Oh no. The part that I always look forward to reading when we’re poring over a first draft is the cover fashion feature. This time, it’s ladies dressed in workwear and propping up the bar after a hard day’s toil. Splendid stuff.
We’re making a few changes behind the scenes to help the magazine flourish and prosper. This has included extending a warm welcome to some lovely new volunteers that have taken on editorial and correspondent roles. After all, a magazine doesn’t write or sell itself so we need as much help as possible. 

Although we are read around the world and have a growing band of loyal readers, we’re still a very small outfit and just keeping the magazine going can be an enormous challenge. That’s why every sale, or even better, a subscription, really does count.

G.M. Norton
Protagonist of 'Norton of Morton'

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  1. It looks great, can't wait to read it! I really do think it's such a lovely magazine and have enjoyed contributing. I like the fashion features too, but I think my favourite pieces are some of the debates.

    1. It really is marvellous to have you on board, we're very fortunate to have a wonderful band of writers. My copy arrived yesterday! That feeling of accomplishment never wanes when I see the printed version for the first time. Perhaps we should resurrect the debates, or bring together different people to have them. Now you've got me thinking!

  2. I've received my copy but am saving it for the weekend. I do feel terribly guilty at times for not being able to contribute right now. (My workload in my day job doubled earlier this year; I don't feel I have time for *anything*!)

    1. Well you are missed, but please don't feel guilty. I was feeling guilty last year when I couldn't commit much time to the magazine but I've stopped being hard on myself. Things come up in life and we can only do what we can do. Doubled workload is not good at all so I hope that things ease off and you can spend your time doing the fun stuff.


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