Norton of Morton

Read a new instalment of Norton of Morton every Saturday at 4 o'clock

Saturday 29 March 2014

Review: Teapot from Dot Com Gift Shop

In which G.M. Norton goes potty and overindulges somewhat. 

As a decent sort of chap and all round good egg, you may not be surprised to learn that the old Norton of Morton mailbox is bombarded with all manner of missives.

Keen to be given the Norton of Morton seal of approval, quite a few of these electronic messages are from businesses who want me to write about them and their products in glowing terms. Naturally, I respond in my usual affable manner, advising them that I hold the readership of this periodical in the highest regard and I don’t just give centre stage to any old guff.

Earlier this year, I received a missive from the Dot Com Gift Shop. Not only had Norton of Morton made it onto their top fifteen list of vintage blogs but they offered me the chance to review a product or two.

Well, keeping an open mind, I toddled over to their webular gift site to give it a thorough inspection.

The online gift emporium has quite the array of interesting and unusual gifts, all priced rather reasonably. So far, so good.

Armed with pen and paper, I proceeded to jot down any items that caught my discerning eye. By the time I had finished, my hand was aching and the list was running into several pages. My word!

The item that I coveted most was a rather dazzling teapot. You may now be thinking, “But don’t you already have a teapot?” Well, no. I’m afraid to break it to you, dear reader, but the Norton of Morton residence has been teapot-less. I know! I can almost hear your gasp.

Keen to rectify this at once, I was practically skipping when I collected the Regency Rose teapot from the local post office. Stood outside in the pouring rain, I simply couldn’t help myself and ripped open the box to reveal this beauty.

What a delightful little creature.

So, what does one do when one takes ownership of a teapot? Take afternoon tea, of course! 

Please allow me to introduce you to the family. The beloved is on the left, with eldest in the middle and youngest to the right.

My children love afternoon tea. Actually, everybody loves afternoon tea. Sandwiches, pretty china, cake, tea (or milk in the children's case). 
Children are never to young to start drinking from china tea cups. Educate them early, that's what I say!
Even I'm trusted with a delicate tea cup. Extraordinary!
My youngest has hands so fast that they are blur, while my eldest has rather yellow teeth it seems...
...while my beloved is clearly enjoying handling the new addition.

So, how did the teapot fare? Well, apart from it's obvious good looks, I'm pleased to report that it's well made, feeling substantial and sturdy. I must have knocked back around three cups and my beloved a similar number. There's lovely lavish detail on the handle in particular, with gilt edging giving it extras points in the beauty stakes. 

I have no hesitation in recommending the Dot Com Gift Shop to you. My dealings with the company have been first class, the teapot arrived promptly and packaged safely and the teapot is simply splendid! Priced at £23.95, I think it's a bargain and will be using it again and again.

I definitely intend to purchase gifts from the Dot Com Gift Shop in future, especially given the uniqueness of their products compared to what you see elsewhere. They stock all manner of things and the website is a pleasure to delve inside. Fair warning though, you may lose a few hours doing so!

G.M. Norton
Protagonist of 'Norton of Morton'



  1. Good to start 'em young! I love this online store, I've purchased quite a few bits for the home from them. Their sale prices are always amazing!

    1. I noticed your appreciation of them. I quite agree though, super value and choice! Top hole.

  2. Love the family high tea =)


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