Norton of Morton

Read a new instalment of Norton of Morton every Saturday at 4 o'clock

Saturday 18 May 2013

An Englishman's home is his castle

In which G.M. Norton discusses home furnishings.

After years of lining the pockets of various landlords, in three week’s time, I will officially become a homeowner. 

Naturally, I am growing increasingly impatient to move in and make our new house a home. With this in mind, my thoughts have drifted to how I’d like my new family residence to be dressed (it certainly beats filling boxes with endless pile after endless pile of possessions).

I should explain that despite my obvious vintage leanings, my beloved does not share my olde-worlde taste to the same degree as your favourite protagonist. While I would gladly live in an authentically furnished mid-century home, this would horrify the good lady. Therefore, compromise is of paramount importance. 

The style we have settled for in the sitting room is a colourful, cosy, modern gentleman’s club with over-stuffed armchairs, Scandinavian style seating, a log-burning stove, big lamps and solid wooden furniture. The colour scheme is grey, white and yellow with lots of other spinkles of colour dotted around the place.

Here are a few of the items that we now covet.

G-Plan sofa and chairs: from John Lewis

Yellow refurbished Dansette: from Electroboogie

Log burning stove

I think we've struck the correct balance. What are your thoughts? I would love to hear from you, particular if your vintage way of life differs with your partner’s preferences.

G.M. Norton
Protagonist of 'Norton of Morton'


  1. Your proposed decor scheme sounds perfect - one I would be very happy with personally. As for my partner and I, we both like a lot of traditional and classic styles, but my other half leans towards 'rustic' and would happily live in some sort of cabin with guitars instead of pictures on the walls, whereas I would go for a chic and streamlined Art Deco penthouse by the sea. These are both fantasies, as we are yet to buy our first home together. We've got all this fun to come!

    Enjoy your new home, and I'm sure you can sneak a few more mid-century items in over the years if you adopt a long-term stealth approach.

    P x

    1. What a cunning plan! Hopefully my beloved will not read this and I can plot this dastardly ruse.

      Combining two styles is always going to be tricky but if it was easy, it would be less fun.


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