Norton of Morton

Read a new instalment of Norton of Morton every Saturday at 4 o'clock

Saturday 3 September 2016

Is it autumn yet?

In which G.M. Norton looks ahead to his favourite time of the year.

Now we're in September, I simply can't wait for autumn to be here. I'm not one for summer, I must confess. 

Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a little sunshine and clear blue skies. Indeed, I've just returned from a summer jaunt away with the family. But I do so terribly miss my finest tweeds and woollens. 

With my favourite season on the horizon, I've greedily been lusting over photographs of tweed ensembles. 

Don't these pictorials (purloined from Cordings) just look grand?

Won't be long now, Norton old thing, won't be long!

G.M. Norton
Protagonist of 'Norton of Morton'

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1 comment

  1. Splendid tweeds! To be honest, getting out the tweeds and woolies is the only thing I'm looking to this autumn. It's already wet and grey out and I am not enjoying it!


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